Life Ball Award & Funding
PrEPster and iwantPrEPnow are proud to announce that they are joint recipients of the Life Ball 2017 Life Plus Award, recognising outstanding contribution [to HIV prevention]. Our combined efforts have played a huge role in facilitating awareness of and access to PrEP in the UK and beyond which (in combination with other prevention strategies) has […]
Have you bought PrEP online or tried to? Take part in a study that tells us about your experience!
Are you accessing PrEP support from clinics in England, Wales or Northern Ireland?
Scotland announces PrEP on the NHS
The Scottish Medicines Consortium (CSM) today announced that PrEP is deemed to be cost-effective and will become available on the NHS in Scotland. At PrEPster we salute the work undertaken by a coalition of Scottish community-based organisations, clinicians, researchers and advocates to get this result. We are proud to have […]
Public Health England (PHE) issues update on IMPACT PrEP trial
Teamprepster launches new educational information
At teamprepster we’re delighted to launch a new range of educational materials that continue our fight to educate and agitate for PrEP in England and beyond. Designed by Eoin Norton and using photography from Javier Gonzalez the new materials include posters in two designs; an information booklet; and condom packs in four […]