Community PrEP advocates respond to NHS England PrEP announcement

Community PrEP advocates from PrEPster and iwantPrEPnow welcomed NHS England’s announcement today that PrEP will be more widely available on the NHS in England. A new clinical trial will provide PrEP to at least 10,000 participants over the next three years, with a further rollout anticipated in the future. Both […]

Join us for a PrEP Champions Event!

Do you want to learn more about new ways to prevent HIV? Come along to a FREE day about being a PrEP Champion in Black African and Caribbean communities in the UK. Come along and find out more about the case for treatment as prevention (TasP) and PrEP; discuss how […]

Buyers clubs for cheaper drugs help fight hepatitis and HIV

Team PrEPster spoke to Reuters and Reuters TV about how generic drugs are being used to prevent HIV. READ: Buyers clubs for cheaper drugs help fight hepatitis and HIV WATCH: Patients turn to ‘buyers clubs’ for cheap HIV drugs – Reuters TV

PrEP made available again to PROUD trial participants

Community PrEP advocates from PrEPster and iwantPrEPnow (IWPN) today commended the decision by Gilead Sciences Ltd to donate 2,000 bottles of PrEP to PROUD trial participants.   Last month PROUD participants were being exited from the trial, leaving clinics with no further access to PrEP. Today Gilead announced a donation […]

High Court ruling puts England PrEP process back on track

PrEPster and I Want PrEP Now applauded the decision in the High Court today that ruled that NHS England acted unlawfully in withdrawing PrEP. In his ruling the judge stated, “NHS England has erred in deciding that is has no power or duty to commission preventative drugs in issue … […]

Community PrEP advocates condemn PROUD trial drug decision

Community PrEP advocates today condemned the decision to discontinue providing PrEP to participants in the England PROUD trial. I Want PrEP Now (IWPN) and PrEPster called on NHS England and Public Health England (PHE) to implement an emergency policy to provide PrEP to PROUD participants, and to Gilead, the manufacturers […]