My PrEP story: Jamie (part 1)

Jamie Jaxon stars in PrEPster’s PrEP17 film.  In his new My PrEP Story blog, Jamie writes about being on the IMPACT Trial, and why PrEP has been important for him as a trans man. My PrEP Story is the personal voice of people who are using, or have used, PrEP. […]

My PrEP story: Phil (part 1)

What’s it like to use PrEP? How do people respond when you tell them you’re a PrEP user? When’s the right time to start using PrEP? Why do some people start using PrEP and then decide to stop? And what’s it like being on a PrEP trial? One of the […]

PrEPster supports trans rights

At PrEPster we recognise the role that stigma and discrimination play in fuelling HIV infections and poor sexual health, and access to health services (including access to PrEP). We understand how stigma and discrimination contribute negatively to emotional and mental health, and general wellbeing. We see how this plays out […]

PrEPster’s Marc Thompson wins Naz Project’s LGBTQI nOSCAR

PrEPster co-founder Marc Thompson has been awarded the Naz Project‘s LGBTQI award at their nOSCAR award ceremony. The accolade went to Marc for his work coordinating peer mentoring at Positively UK, his ground breaking work with BlackOutUK, and over 25 years of leadership in HIV prevention, including as Director of […]

PrEP17 nominated for POZ Magazine Awards Best Video Series

PrEPster is honoured that PrEP17 – the coming of age of PrEP has been nominated for POZ Magazine Awards Best Video Series.   PrEP17 was commissioned by PrEPster and made by German filmmaker Nicholas Feustel. The film follows the story of Nicholas’s return to London in 2017, two years after making his […]

Calling budding filmmakers!

Take part in The Love Bank, PrEPster and Fringe!’s sexual health film making competition. Four prizes of £250!   Do you want to make a short DIY film that promotes sexual health and information about PrEP? We’re giving away four prizes of £250 to individuals and groups to make a […]

Summer is over – PrEPster statement on IMPACT Trial

PrEPster today expressed frustration and concern that the England PrEP IMPACT Trial has not commenced. Despite NHS England’s commitment to the trial starting in the summer and by the start of September, not one single person has yet to receive PrEP through the trial. Will Nutland co-founder of PrEPster said: […]

PrEPster joins call for PrEP for women

  UPDATE 14/10/2017  The full list of organisations who signed the consensus is as follow: AVAC, cliniQ, NamAidsmap, NAT, Global Action for Trans Equality, THT, Forum Link, Naz, Sophia, PrEPster, Positively UK, Positive East, Trade, Metro, and London Friend.   PrEPster today joined with other leading PrEP advocate organisations in calling […]

PrEP IMPACT Trial announcement – statement from PrEPster and iwantPrEPnow

Thursday 3 August 2017   Community PrEP advocates from PrEPster and iwantPrEPnow welcomed today’s announcement by NHS England of the launch of the PrEP IMPACT trial.   The IMPACT trial will provide PrEP to 10,000 people in England, with the first clinics in London, Brighton, Manchester, Liverpool and Sheffield expected […]

PrEP now available in Scotland!

Team PrEPster is thrilled that Scotland has become the first nation in the UK to offer free PrEP to people who need it. People resident in Scotland who are 16 or over who are seeking PrEP can find out more information from Nice work Scotland!