What we do
PrEPster aims to educate and agitate for PrEP access in England and beyond.
Who we are
PrEPster was founded in October 2015 by four London based HIV prevention activists, in response to the lack of clear and concise educational info available about PrEP. In particular, those activists were concerned about the lack of information to key communities including gay and bi men, Black African communities, trans people, sex workers and migrants.
PrEPster is known for being independent from any statutory or voluntary sector organisations. We believe that our work should be led by and should over-serve populations that are less likely to access PrEP education materials but are most in need of it. Our work focuses on being diverse, ensuring that those communities of concern are at the heart of our planning and our work.
Collectively, we have a wealth of over 50 years experience in public health and advocacy, and most of us are either living with HIV, PrEP users or are in sero-discordant relationships.
PrEPster is a program of The Love Tank, a not-for-profit community interest community (CIC) that promotes the health and wellbeing of under-served communities through education, capacity building and research.
How we do it
PrEPster is at the forefront of advocating for the provision of PrEP on the NHS in England, engaging as members of the Trial’s Community Advisory Board, providing up to date info on the PrEP IMPACT Trial and how to join it. Although, originally created to raise awareness and provide educational information on PrEP, we also discuss all things sexual health such as U=U, vaccinations and condoms, as well as broader sexual and reproductive health.
We provide ‘top level’ PrEP information on how to buy PrEP safely and legally, and a ‘take action’ section with a set of simple actions to assist in increasing education, access and advocacy for PrEP. We also provide access to PrEP community Facebook groups, other PrEP websites in and out of the UK, research undertaken by or in coalition with us, and offer training and development materials available to download to use to build knowledge about PrEP.
In addition, we undertake outreach and advocacy in community settings, having undertaken dozens of film & discussion events, including a series of Facebook Live events. In 2017, we produced PrEP17 a documentary film shining a light on how PrEP has become available to thousands of people, despite the failures of the health system; PrEP Street Talk a video based on concerns PrEP users had; and PrEP Club video - a video based on the most frequently asked questions people had about PrEP. In July 2018, we attended the International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam where we asked people from around the world to tell us how PrEP works for them and their community, cumulating in the PrEP Works video series. In 2019, we produced Date PrEP, targeted at young black Londoners who are disproportionately affected by HIV and poor sexual health.
We provide peer-to-peer PrEP and sexual health education through a range of health promotion activities through our projects – MobPrESH which has a specific remit to target women with PrEP and sexual health information as few women in Europe are accessing PrEP, and many women do not know about it; and Requisite which aims to address the specific and unique needs of queer men of colour who are disproportionately affected by HIV.
Lastly, PrEPster has active social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) that are tightly managed to ensure accurate and respectful engagement.
Want to support PrEPster?
Team PrEPster gratefully accepts donations – small or large – to develop the website and other related activities.
Contact us at [email protected] for details of how to donate.
Thank you
Team PrEPster offers thanks to the following for offering advice, knowledge and support in the development of content for this project:
Yusef Azad (National Aids Trust), Edwin Bernard (HIV Justice Network), Simon Collins (i-Base), Alex Craddock (IWPN), Nicholas Feustel (Georgetown Media), Deborah Gold (National Aids Trust), Sheena McCormack, Greg Owen (IWPN), Roger Pebody (Aidsmap), Mags Portman, and Michelle Ross (cliniQ).
PrEPster is endorsed by:
Team PrEPster offers thanks to the generous individuals who have made donations to support PrEPster.

Team PrEPSter offers love and gratitude to the following for gifting time and energy to this project:
Photography: Javi & Sokari
Web and creative: Richard Kahwagi
Models: Angelina, Antonio, Charity, Coco, Damilola, Daniel, Jack, Jay, Junior, Malika, Mitchell, Natasha, Pedro, Rayon, Rebecca, Sam, Sami, Sean, Vanessa, Virginia, Winnie