PrEPster launches new briefing paper to assist frontline outreach workers

PrEPster has released a new briefing paper to assist outreach workers in responding to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about PrEP. The briefing is the result of training interventions facilitated by PrEPster with frontline outreach workers.
The e-version of the document links to research and evidence that supports the FAQs, allowing workers to learn more about the research.
Dr Will Nutland, co-founder of PrEPster, who generated the FAQs with outreach workers said: “Outreach workers are encountering a range of questions about PrEP. These include fairly complex questions from people who are using PrEP as early adopters, through to more general questions. The FAQ briefing attempts to address questions at every level.”
Although developed for a UK audience, much of the information in the briefing is relevant globally. As such, the UK specific information is at the end of the briefing, allowing international colleagues to adapt the briefing to make them country or region specific.
To download a copy, click here . We welcome feedback to inform future editions of the FAQs – [email protected]