Ask Me About PrEP: Resources (Wales)

Tudalen adnoddau

Adnoddau a deunyddiau a allai eich helpu i siarad am PrEP gyda'ch cyfoedion.

** Peidiwch â rhannu'r cyfrinair ar gyfer y dudalen hon! Mae’n ar gael i ysgolwyr yn unig. **

Angen cysylltu? E-bostiwch [email protected]
Cynhwyswch eich rhif adnabod symudol os yn bosibl.

Pecyn cychwyn

Archebwch eich pecyn cychwyn yma. Mae’n eich pecyn yn cynnwys crys ti, bag tote, set sticer, a detholiad o lyfrynnau.

Deunydd printiedig

Archebwch fwy o adnoddau yma:

Nifer o gopïau 0
Nifer o gopïau 0
Nifer o gopïau 0
Nifer o gopïau 0
Nifer o gopïau 0
Nifer o gopïau 0
Nifer o gopïau: 0
Nifer o gopïau: 0
Nifer o gopïau: 0
Nifer o gopïau: 0
Nifer o gopïau: 0
log forms

To complete a log form, visit this link.


You can view examples of completed log forms here:

[su_button url="" target="blank" style="flat" background="#039BE5" color="#ffffff" size="5" radius="round" icon_color="#039BE5"]Download examples[/su_button]

online resources

Where to find more information about Prep:

PrEPster’s 12 FAQs

 How to get PrEP in the UK

 Women and PrEP

 Liverpool drug interaction

 PrEPtrack app


slides, handouts & survey

A copy of the mobiliser event slides are here.


Handouts from the mobiliser events:
  Top PrEP info to share
  Online sources of PrEP information


We’re hoping 20% of people who you talk to about PrEP will complete this brief survey. Please only share it with people you’ve chatted to about PrEP.

want to add an 'ask me about prep' picture frame to your social media?

Louis, who took part in training 04, reached out and requested a picture frame for his social media profiles. It resulted in dozens of comments about PrEP from his followers. Want a frame for your profile? Send us a photo below or at [email protected] and we'll fire back a photo with the frame added to it.

Why do you need to send us a photo and why don't we provide a downloadable picture frame? Downloadable frames can be shared and used by folks who haven't done the AMAP training. Embedding the frame directly to your photo prevents the frame being shared.

want to meet up with other amap mobilisers?

Come along and swap ideas and hints on engaging about PrEP. We'll hold the second AMAP drop-in on Weds 12 Jan 2022 at 630pm.

No need to sign up - drop in for any or all of the meeting!

AMAP drop in session 3
Topic: Ask Me About PrEP - drop in 3
Time: Jan 31, 2022 06:30 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 835 2790 5606
Passcode: 412577
AMAP drop in session 4
Topic: Ask Me About PrEP - drop in 4
Time: Feb 28, 2022 06:30 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 881 5494 4007
Passcode: 454005

tell us how we did cards
We're hoping that  20% of the people you speak to about PrEP will complete this short survey about their experience -
To make it easier to sign folks up to the survey, we've produced small cards with a QR code on that takes you straight to the survey page. Want copies sent to you? We've added them to the resource order section above.
coming up
After the first 5 mobiliser events and the first drop-in, we have a stack of inspiring developments we're working on including: a PrEP info video in British Sign Language; a short guide to talking to health workers about PrEP; and a new slide set for giving presentations about PrEP.
Keep those ideas coming!