COVID-19 tips & tricks
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Info for sex workers
Current guidance in the UK, and many other parts of the world, ask us to stay physically away from other people as much as possible. This means that in-person sex hook-ups are discouraged. This presents huge challenges for those of us who rely on sex work as our income source.
There are international solidarity funds being created to support sex workers financially. This UK based one is supporting UK based sex workers -
Many of us who are doing sex work are moving to non-contact ways of doing sex work such as phone sex, cam or video sex. There are some hints on ways of protecting privacy and safety during this kind of sex here -
For people who are continuing to do in-person sex, there are ways of reducing (but not eliminating) COVID-19 risk here -
In addition, this US based sex worker forum is offering support and advice for people doing sex work during this time –
Hints and tips we are hearing directly from sex workers on reducing and managing COVID-10 risk include:
- Doing a pre-meet risk assessment and asking potential clients about recent travel; if they have had COVID type symptoms; if they have pre-existing health conditions that might enhance risk of COVID exposure to them; if they have been in contact with someone with COVID-19
- Using a non-contact thermometer to check if clients have a temperature
- Offering sex that involves non-physical contact and that maintains physical distancing such as watching each other masturbate
- Doing glory hole work, usually with condoms, to reduce physical contact between the worker and client
- Enhancing cleaning techniques including sterilizing surfaces and equipment; changing and washing sheets and bedding between clients; wiping down high-use objects such as phones
Thank you to for assistance in creating this section and for being a great information source.
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