COVID-19 tips & tricks

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Other ways to get off
Current guidance in the UK, and many other parts of the world, ask us to stay away from other people as much as possible. This means that in-person sex hook-ups are discouraged. Many sex apps are now encouraging us all to find other ways of getting-off that do not involve any COVID-19 transmission risk.
Phone sex is making a come back where you talk dirty as you get off.
Text and pic messaging – but be aware of messaging or images that you don’t want shared to the world. Not including your face or identifying characteristics (such as tattoos) is a good plan.
Cam or video sex is getting really popular, as people get horny at home. The same advice as above applies – be aware your session might be being viewed by others or recorded without your consent. Consider not showing your face (wigs, masks – masks!), or videoing from a neutral background that does not identify you.
Our favourite guide on How to Have Sex During the COVID-19 Pandemic is here - it’s full of great hints and tips.
Remember – consent issues are the same, regardless of COVID. It’s not OK to send someone pics, videos or other sexual content without their consent. It’s not OK (and is often illegal) to film or photograph someone without consent.
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[su_button url="" style="soft" background="#039BE5" size="5" center="yes" radius="round"]Next tip: Hooking up hints[/su_button]