Take Action

Educate! Agitate! Shout out!

Take one or more of the simple actions below to increase PrEP education and access.
Got an idea for an action? Email us at [email protected]


1. Stay informed

Stay up-to-date about PrEP and the latest research on PrEP. Visit our resources section for good sources of PrEP information.



2. Tell your friends

Educate and inform your own social and sexual networks about PrEP. Let them know how and where to find out about PrEP, and direct them to research about it. Share this website with five friends today!


3. Speak out against stigma

Research shows that stigma about using PrEP – including slut-shaming –  stops people from talking about it with their friends and sexual partners. Challenge it when you hear it or see it online.

4. Watch this!

Watch the new PrEP17 film and share it with your friends. Look out for #PrEP17 events across the UK.

5. Stop Funding Hate

Remember when the Daily Mail called PrEP a “promiscuity pill”? If you don’t want companies funding hate then ask them to #stopfundinghate.