Nneka Nwokolo
Nneka Nwokolo is a Consultant Physician at 56 Dean Street in London. Most people who use PrEP are buying generic PrEP online. There have been concerns about whether these drugs are genuine or not. Nneka has been at the forefront of drug level testing in people who take generic PrEP. She has organised tests on hundreds of samples of PrEP - and has found no evidence of any fake preparations on the market.
Bobby Creger
Watch Bobby's story on using PrEP as a way of taking things into his own hands
Antonio Colliani
Watch Antonio's story on deciding to stop using PrEP when he met his boyfriend
Jamie Jaxon
Jamie, a trans man, decided to begin using PrEP when starting to explore men-only spaces
Yusef Azad
Hear from Yusef who's been at the forefront of the legal fight to bring PrEP to England