PrEPster at Glasto!

We've missed you!

PrEPster sends you a BIG WET sloppy kiss as you slide back into the sweaty reaches of Glastonbury's naughty corner.

Come and find us all weekend at Block9 in and around NYC Downlow, The Meat Rack, and Maceo's.

We have free lube, condoms, and info on PrEP and sexual health. We also have info about monkeypox.

Team PrEpster

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a lovetank fagzine!

For Glasto ’23 we’re upping our game: a special edition fanzine bringing you a stack of health and well-being info for the weekend and beyond, along with some (tongue-firmly-in-cheek) Glasto Queer Legend Tales.

Find us for a FREE physical copy – or download it below.

[su_button url="" target="blank" style="flat" background="#039BE5" color="#ffffff" size="5" radius="round" icon_color="#039BE5"]DOWNLOAD OUR FAGZINE[/su_button]

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Got down at Downlow?

If you got busy across Glastonbury weekend (or at any other time recently!), then now might be a good time to get a sexual health check-up.
They are FREE on the NHS.

If you DON'T have any STI symptoms, you can use a postal testing service such as Sexual Health London (SHL).

It's a discreet sexual health service for Londoners. Receive your test kit or contraception at home quickly and discreetly.

If you're living with HIV, postal testing services are also available for you to use for testing for STIs.

If you DO have STI symptoms, contact your usual sexual health clinic.

There's also been a recent outbreak of monkeypox. If you have  - or get in the coming weeks - a new rash, blisters, sore or spots, along with a temperature, swollen glands, muscle aches, or exhaustion - PHONE your sexual health clinic or NHS 111There's more info here!

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Consent tips

ALWAYS ask permission before you grope and grind. Just because someone’s booty or boobs are out, doesn’t mean you can cop-a-feel.

Don’t push into a scene and start getting involved unless you’re obviously invited. If someone pushes your hand or body away – MOVE AWAY. 

If someone is so drunk or high that they can’t clearly communicate with you – they are NOT consenting.

Taking sexualised photos or filming someone without their permission is shitty – and it’s illegal. 

Stealthing – removing a condom during sex without the consent of the other person/people – is considered rape under UK law. It’s also a crap thing to do.

If you are being harassed or harangued - try to move away from the situation and alert a staff member or a security immediately. They take consent seriously.