COVID-19 tips & tricks
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Info for people in hostile or abusive households
Quarantine, isolation and lock-downs will mean that many of us are in new living arrangements. Some of us have to stay in accommodation that doesn’t feel safe or welcoming. Many of us have to spend much more time with people we do not want to be with. We might be hiding aspects of our life (such as our gender or sexuality) from people we’re living with. Being forced to stay at home, or away from our usual safe-spaces, can cause tension and anxiety.
For many of us, right now, there will be fewer options to get away from hostile or abuse living environments. But that does not mean that any of us should have to “put up” with violence, abuse or hostility in the places we’ve living.
In the UK, a free app called Bright Sky provides information and support to people experiencing domestic abuse, and their concerned family and friends.
Other information and support:
Women’s Aid -
Shelter -
The Outside Project -
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