PrEP Trial 5 Things Video

About the video
What do you need to know before enrolling on the England PrEP IMPACT Trial? You need to know 5 things!
In PrEPster's new video short, learn about the 5 steps that need to be taken before enrolling on the Trial. 
Designed to support PrEPster's 5 Things project, the video spells out the steps to being 'trial ready'.
As trial places start to fill up, the video is part of PrEPster's push for the trial to be as diverse as possible. 
Learn more about those 5 steps!


Akiya, Dorian, Sami, Teleica, Tiffer, Zia

Directed by
Souleyman, Virginia

Filmed by

Animation by

Conceived and Produced by
Marc, Richard, Souleyman, Virginia and Will

Thanks to
Terrence Higgins Trust

Generously supported by
Mac Aids Fund