Considering joining Gilead’s new Discover PrEP trial? Find out why international advocates have raised concerns about this trial

Recruitment to Gilead’s new PrEP trial – the Discover trial – will commence in coming months, including in the UK. Team PrEPster have been part of international debates and discussions about the trial and, along with PrEP advocates from across Europe and North America, attended a meeting in New York with Gilead in October 2016 to discuss our collective concerns about the trial and how it has been set up [Note: PrEPster’s attendance at that meeting was funded by AVAC (, who take no funding from pharmaceutical companies. Similarly, PrEPster does not take any funding from drug companies].

We’ve recently joined over 45 other international HIV advocate groups in calling for recruitment to the Discover trial to be halted until Gilead attends to a range of community concerns about the trial.

To read more about why advocates have raised concerns about the trial, click here.

A fact sheet on the trial, co-authored by PrEPster and other international advocate groups is available here.