
An archive of PrEPster publications old and new. Download these resources and check back again for more topics and translations.

Drop us a line at if you or your organisation would like to adapt this material.

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Join conversations and find support about PrEP in these Facebook groups.

Note that some of the groups are Closed Groups and you'll have to request access to them.

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Find out more about PrEP - including for key groups of people - from these websites.

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Not in England, or traveling to another part of the world? Learn more about PrEP from one of our PrEPster buddies around the world, or from the country updates listed at PrEP Watch.

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Find out more about research undertaken by or in coalition with PrEPster. Please credit the sources of materials when you use them.

 PrEP mapping exercise in England by Public Health England (PHE), in partnership with PrEPster
This mapping exercise was undertaken during March 2018 in England to survey PrEP health promotion activity being undertaken by NHS organisations and community-based organisations. The survey was developed and undertaken by PHE in partnership with PrEPster and Mitzy Gafos at LSHTM. The mapping exercise was guided by the PrEP IMPACT Trial Community Advisory Board.

 DIY HIV Prevention: how gay men in London source and use PrEP outside of clinical trials
This research is the first qualitative UK research with PrEP users sourcing PrEP outside of clinical trials. Undertaken in summer 2017, the research explores how gay men using DIY PrEP navigate buying PrEP online, and the support services they utilised. The research was undertaken in partnership with PrEPster.

 The real deal: testing generic online PrEP from six major suppliers
This research was undertaken by PrEPster in collaboration with Terrence Higgins Trust and Imperial College, London. The research tested samples of online PrEP and found no evidence of fake drug.

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Download and use a range of materials to build capacity and knowledge about PrEP! Please credit the sources of materials when you use them.

 PrEPster Questions + Answers on PrEP - briefing paper
PrEPster produced this set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about PrEP following a number of training interventions with frontline outreach workers. The FAQs are intended primarily for workers who have some existing level of knowledge about PrEP. Although developed for a UK audience, much of the information is relevant globally. As such, the UK specific information is at the end of the briefing, allowing international colleagues to adapt the briefing to make them country or region specific. We welcome feedback to inform future editions -

 Learning slides
PrEPster and HIV Scotland, along with the HIV Literacy research project developed this training slide set that provides starter information about PrEP. We use it in our training – and each slides includes bullet-point notes to cover in each slide. These slides can be used without permission – but if you do use them please let us know by emailing - we’d love to follow up with you about how you used the slides and how they could be improved.

WHO PrEP Implementation Tool
World Health Organisation (WHO) has produced this stunning PrEP implementation tool. Download from here.

  European AIDS Clinical Society – online learning course
This free online learning course is targeted at clinicians and provides key background information for medical staff about PrEP.

  Want to keep up to date with PrEP training opportunities?
If you are a health worker, or an advocate, you can sign up to get updates on training course, workshops and resources as they become available.

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