Support us

Since 2015 PrEPster has provided information and support to hundreds of thousands of people about PrEP - the game-changing HIV prevention pill that is driving down HIV around the world.

Over the past 4 years we've been at the forefront of PrEP education and activism in the UK and beyond. We've advocated for PrEP through the IMPACT trial in England, and for full rollout of PrEP on the NHS in England; we've done dozens of community events, spoken to thousands of people; and produced award winning websites and videos.

PrEPster is a small grass-roots organisation - we survive on a shoe-string but punch way about our weight. We can achieve a lot with very little, but with help and support we can achieve so much more and support many more people. 

As we head into our fifth year, we're launching a year-long crowdfunder to continue and develop our work.

You can help us by running a marathon or fun-run; organising an event; grabbing one of our tee shirts; or by simply sending us a donation.

What are you funding

Every pound, dollar or Euro will be hugely appreciated and will help us make a difference!

Your support could fund:

Online PrEP pill testing, which keeps people and buying PrEP online safe
Printing 10,000 information booklets that tells women how to get PrEP
An outreach volunteer to talk to young queer men of colour about PrEP
Community events to get PrEP information to those that most need it 

How you can support us

There are so many ways that individuals, groups and businesses can raise funds to support our work at PrEPster.


How do you feel about getting fit or staying fit as you fundraise? 

Throughout the year there are local fun and park runs, half and full marathons, and bike rides that take place across the UK. Why not sign up for one and fundraise on our behalf?

We’ll promote and support your fundraising across our social media platforms and throw in some PrEPster merchandise so you run and train in our tee-shirts. And you can do it alone or join a team. 

Here are a few runs you can sign up for: 

Alternatively, sign up for Red Run and join the PrEPster team as we walk or jog round London’s Victoria Park

Create your own event

Why not get creative and set up your own event and raise funds for PrEPster? 

Do you have a wild idea that could help raise cash for us?

Raffles, bake sales, quiz nights or something more edgy – or an edgy quiz night maybe? Do you have an amazing skill or talent that you could be sponsored for doing? All ideas considered!

Are you a DJ, club promoter, or venue owner? Could you shake a bucket as you shake your booty, do a club night or give us a share of your door takings?

Could you host a dinner, get your mates round, and tell them about PrEP and sexual health as you ask them to dig deep? 

Are you an artist, poet, photographer or performer? Want to donate a piece, or put on an exhibition? You could even design a limited edition tee shirt for us!

Get in touch with us so we can talk about your ideas.

Or visit our merch page (COMING SOON)

What better way to show support than wearing our loud and proud merch.

Tees, totes, and more!

Support our work by offering a donation in exchange for one of our limited edition tee-shirts! We regularly produce cool merch such as caps, beanies, hoodies, pins, stickers, etc.

Don't be shy, send us a message and we'll sort you out with the latest available stock we have.

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PrEPster is a project of The Love Tank CIC.
All donations will be held by The Love Tank and will be ring-fenced for PrEPster’s work only.